Collaborative Learning by Breeze

Sharing and learning between NPO peers has never been this easy and this grainular before. Drill down, compare, share and discuss insights with nonprofits like yours.

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What Questions Can Collaborative Learning Answer?

We asked nonprofits across diverse organization sizes and types, and these are the top questions they told us they would like to ask and explore with a collaborative NPO analytics platform.

  • "What I'd like to know is when I should 'give up' on a group of donors. At some point, there are deminishing returns and I'm throwing good money at a bad chance of winning back that donor. I need to be able to understand where these segments are at organizations that look like mine."

    Good Money at Bad
  • "When I saw that we were an outlier for donor growth performance last year, I needed to understand why we were an outlier. To identify the root cause, I need to be able to drill down to individual groups of donors and monthly trends, so that I can see where we started to diverge vs. the rest of the industry."

    Am I an outlier?
  • "I have all kinds of detailed channel performance metrics, but I'm not really able to answer what my program ROI is, or how that ROI compares to similar nonprofits. I need to understand response and performance rates at the channel level, but also be able to roll those up to an overall ROI."

    How is my ROI?

We're Social

 Breeze Collaborative Learning encourages collective learning by offering contemporary social platform features such as chat, reactions, annotations and the ability to vote and and assign tasks for custom reports.  


Collaboration Like Never Before

Detailed and grainular level reporting offered by Breeze Collaborative Learning makes true cross-NPO insights possible.

  • Vote
  • Peer review
  • Vote

    Make requests for new reports and vote on which analysis is most valueable to you.

  • Side-by-Side Peer Metrics

    Overlay the performance of your industry peers on most reports. Take a wide breadth, or filter only to organizations the most similar to your own.

Ready to Collaborate?

Join the Breeze Collaborative Learning beta today

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